About us

SINDH TV Network

Sindh TV Network is the first dynamic source of information representing the real culture of Sindh and original feeling of its peoples. These feelings are based on Mystic (sufi) teachings of the Sufi saints, free of religious breach or ethnic hatred, promoting human values and universal fraternity. Opposite to main stream Urdu media Sindh TV Network through its programming has not only promoted peace and harmony in between all sections of Pakistani Society but also has told about the ancient Indus valley civilization on which Pakistan is really based upon. The research based content is the vision and farsightedness approach to educate the viewers about the history culture of Sindh and Pakistan. Sindh has always been liberal and secular region, Sindh literature is very rich and one of world’s oldest, The documentaries revealing the significance of history, literature, archeology and poetry have Introduced new dimensions for our youth and at the same time have helped develop interest for further research about various subjects. Due to teachings and poetry of Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, SachalSarmast and other sufi saints Sindh remained almost untouched by rise of fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism in Pakistan. Sindhi culture and poetry is the continuation of centuries old Gandharivi trend of dance, Poetry, Music, nonviolence and peace in between peoples of various belies and faiths. It was the real dream of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah about creating a liberal, secular, democrats and independent state where everyone must have complete freedom to practice his faith. Sindh TV Network has adopted the mission of Quald-e-Azam the founder of Pakistan.


Sindh TV is a hybrid channel, encompassing infotainment, music shows, kids programs, sitcoms, mega dramas, morning show, cooking shows and variety of entertainment programs.

We focuses on promoting culture, sufism and affection for the Sindhi language with our religious and entertaining programs, dramas, songs and many more interesting line of shows. Special programs for age group. It is for that reason Sindh TV is the most preferred option for advertisers to benefit their brands in an uncluttered age group. It is for that reason Sindh TV is the most preferred option for advertisers to benefit their brands in an uncluttered manner